How to Keep Tennis Elbow From Throwing You Off Your Game 02/06/2020 Fitness, Your Personal PT, Rachel Tavel, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Certified Strength...
From Rescue to Best Friend: Jasper’s Journey 01/30/2020 Pet Care, In April 2018, at the request of the New Mexico District Attorney and Union County...
How to Deal With Pain From Runner's Knee 01/30/2020 Fitness, Your Personal PT, Rachel Tavel, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Certified Strength...
French doctor: Virus from China seems less serious than SARS 01/26/2020 Health News, The lead doctor treating two Paris hospital patients for the new virus in China said...
Check Out these Effective Workout Tips from Famous Celebrities! 01/09/2020 Fitness, Don’t you wish you had a healthy and fit body? Have you ever tried working...
Insufficient home care the biggest challenge to overcome after release from hospital 01/06/2020 Health News, Patients and caregivers from diverse backgrounds across Ontario consistently prioritized insufficient publicly-funded home care services...
'Jellyfish' heart implant that can save you from a stroke 01/04/2020 Health News, 'Jellyfish' in the heart that can save you from a stroke: New blood clot-blocking implant...
German Doctors Used a Brilliant Hack to Free This Child's Tongue From a Bottle 01/04/2020 Health News, When a 7-year-old German boy recently got his tongue stuck in a juice bottle, his...
Hookah smoker, 20, contracts TUBERCULOSIS from smoking trendy devices 12/27/2019 Health News, Smoking trendy hookah waterpipes 'could spread TUBERCULOSIS' as 20-year-old regular user is struck down with...
Firefighters prise 2,000 obese patients from homes since 2017 12/27/2019 Health News, Firefighters have lifted more than 2,000 obese patients from their homes and into ambulances since...