Video games offer clues to help curb animal disease outbreaks 06/26/2019 Health News, Strengthening biosecurity is widely considered the best strategy to reduce the devastating impact of disease...
A solarium for hens? How to increase the vitamin D content of eggs 06/24/2019 Health News, Many people suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. This can result in brittle bones and...
Soy protein lowers cholesterol, study suggests: Meta-analysis finds soy protein reduced LDL cholesterol by 3% to 4% 05/06/2019 Health News, Soy protein has the ability to lower cholesterol by a small but significant amount, suggests...
Espresso yourself: Coffee thoughts leave a latte on the mind 04/18/2019 Health News, But what if coffee aficionados could get the same effects from their morning latte by...
Seeing through food and drug fakes and frauds: ‘Chronoprints’ can identify a sample from a video taken as it reacts to disturbance 03/20/2019 Health News, If we could tell authentic from counterfeit or adulterated drugs and foods just by looking...
Medicating mosquitoes to fight malaria: Applying antimalarial drugs to bed nets could lead to drop in malaria transmission 02/27/2019 Health News, Mosquitoes that landed on surfaces coated with the anti-malarial compound atovaquone were completely blocked from...
High-protein rice brings value, nutrition: Crop breeders build yield, market for high-protein rice 01/23/2019 Health News, More than 750 million people don't get enough nutrients from their food. More than two-thirds...
Wheat that pumps iron, naturally: Research shows possibility of increasing nutrition without sacrificing yield 10/06/2018 Health News, Is biofortification the best thing since sliced bread? Well, biofortified wheat could certainly make it...
How healthy is the American diet? The Healthy Eating Index helps determine the answer 08/23/2018 Health News, Dietary risk factors are among the key contributors to mortality and morbidity in the United...
In India, swapping crops could save water and improve nutrition: Replacing some rice with less thirsty crops could help to sustainably feed a rapidly growing population 07/06/2018 Health News, India will need to feed approximately 394 million more people by 2050, and that's going...