More than 5 million cancer survivors experience chronic pain, twice the rate of the general population 06/22/2019 Health News, More than 5 million cancer survivors in the United States experience chronic pain, almost twice...
How do muscle and tendon connections last a lifetime? Cell biologists show in fruit flies how a protein controls mechanical stress on muscle-tendon attachments 04/04/2019 Health News, Muscles are connected to tendons to power animal movements such as running, swimming or flying....
Working it out: Researchers find exercise may help fight depression in seniors 02/08/2019 Health News, The benefits of exercise are widely known but kinesiologists at McMaster University have for the...
Researchers develop new test to objectively measure pain, test medications 11/06/2018 Health News, If you've ever visited the emergency department with appendicitis, or you're one of the 100...
Truck driver pain and discomfort can be alleviated 10/31/2018 Health News, Almost 60 per cent of truck drivers in a recent Canadian study reported experiencing musculoskeletal...
Pain response in babies’ brains controlled in ‘similar way to adults’ 09/12/2018 Health News, Researchers from the Department of Paediatrics and Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University...