Important video shows just how easy it is for someone to spike your drink 09/04/2020 Health News, In today’s reminder that the world is a terrifying place, just watch this important video...
I always drink a cup of coffee every day in the morning, even at 13 years old. About 10-20 minutes later, I always get cramps and have to go to the bathroom repeatedly. Is that normal? 05/18/2020 Fitness, Great question! Coffee is a natural diuretic (makes you have to pee), and for many...
What happens if you drink too much milk? 08/20/2019 Health News, Assuming that you weren't raised vegan or aren't lactose intolerant, you were probably encouraged to...
Type 2 diabetes: A certain beverage has been proven to help reduce the risk – what is it? 07/16/2019 Health News, Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar in the...
Cutting sugar from tea doesn’t change people’s fondness for the drink 04/29/2019 Health News, Just milk, please: Cutting out sugar in tea does NOT affect how fond you are...
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why full fat milk is the best thing you drink 03/30/2019 Health News, DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why full fat milk is the best thing you drink... and the...
To warm hot drinks double the risk of esophageal cancer 03/20/2019 Health News, What are the effects of hot beverages on the risk for cancer?Does the temperature of...
Parents are sowing the seeds of alcohol addiction in their children 11/20/2018 Health News, Well-meaning parents are sowing the seeds of alcohol addiction in their children by allowing them...
One in three aged 16-24 now ‘never drink alcohol’, UCL study finds 10/10/2018 Health News, One in three people aged 16-24 now 'never drink alcohol' and those who do drink...
No alcohol is safe while breastfeeding 08/01/2018 Health News, Breastfeeding mothers should not drink any alcohol: Booze in breast milk is not safe and...