People with love handles face a greater risk of dementia 01/10/2019 Health News, People with love handles or beer bellies face a greater risk of dementia: Excess fat...
There's a Link Between the Size of Your Belly and the Size of Your Brain 01/09/2019 Health News, Belly fat has long been thought to be particularly bad for your heart, but now,...
New insight on how memory works: Experiment with amnesia patients helps explain role of hippocampus 12/30/2018 Health News, Two Veterans Affairs researchers have explored how memory is tied to the hippocampus, with findings...
Air pollution in Mexico City is associated with the development of Alzheimer disease: The evolving axonal damage can be identified using a novel Non-P-Tau assay for cerebrospinal fluid CSF 12/28/2018 Health News, A new study by researchers at the Universities of Montana, Valle de México, Boise State,...
Study Can be transferred to Alzheimer’s disease to other people? 12/23/2018 Health News, Transferability of the pathological Amyloid-Beta proteins confirmedAlzheimer's is a dreaded neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects...
Memory and cognition problems affect recovery in rehabilitation facilities 12/21/2018 Health News, After a hospital stay, many older adults will be discharged to a skilled nursing facility...
Almost daily a glass of orange juice reduced the risk for dementia by 50 percent 12/09/2018 Health News, Orange juice protects against dementia?Orange juice is a healthy drink that is also very tasty....
Regular orange juice reduces the risk of dementia by 50 percent 12/08/2018 Health News, Orange juice protects against dementia?Orange juice is a healthy drink that is also very tasty....
Daily orange juice reduces the risk of dementia by 50 percent 12/08/2018 Health News, Orange juice protects against dementia?Orange juice is a healthy drink that is also very tasty....
How a furry pet robot could help the fight against dementia 11/22/2018 Health News, Now here’s a stat that’s food for thought. By 2050 there’ll be as many adults...