Espresso yourself: Coffee thoughts leave a latte on the mind 04/18/2019 Health News, But what if coffee aficionados could get the same effects from their morning latte by...
Time is money, especially when it comes to giving: Study finds people are more charitable if allowed to claim donations sooner 04/15/2019 Health News, Would you be more likely to donate to charity if you could report the gift...
First study to find digital ads work — on millennials 01/31/2019 Health News, While millions of dollars are spent every day on digital advertising, no research has found...
Collective nostalgia makes people prefer domestic products 01/30/2019 Health News, Nostalgia for events experienced by members of your own group can make you prefer domestic...
Our social judgments reveal a tension between morals and statistics 01/03/2019 Health News, People make statistically-informed judgments about who is more likely to hold particular professions even though...
Digital device overload linked to how first impressions are formed 10/24/2018 Health News, Beware, media multitaskers: New research from Rice University researchers has found a link between spending...
Wishful thinking is rewarded: The reward system in the brain affects our judgements 10/23/2018 Health News, We make judgements quite rationally or "by the gut." Not only experience and relevant information...
Psychopaths in the C-Suite? 10/16/2018 Health News, The seemingly never-ending stream of corporate scandals over the past decades, from Enron to Theranos,...
Age, race or need for instant gratification — which best predicts how much you will earn? 09/04/2018 Health News, For the first time, Temple University researchers have used machine learning to rank the most...
‘Ccompulsivity circuit’ in heavy alcohol drinkers 08/22/2018 Health News, Heavy alcohol drinkers attempt to acquire alcohol despite the threat of a negative consequence more...