Children should help choose the charities their schools and families support 04/04/2019 Health News, Children as young as four should be given more autonomy to help choose the charities...
Mother’s behavioral corrections tune infant’s brain to angry tone: Maternal interactions may help shape the same brain region adults use for vocal emotion processing 02/28/2019 Health News, The same brain network that adults use when they hear angry vocalizations is at work...
Student likeability might be link between academic success and risk of depression: Children struggling in elementary school are less liked by their teachers and peers, opening them up to higher risk of depression 02/21/2019 Health News, A new study suggests that children doing well in classrooms are more popular and emotionally...
Young children may see nationality as biological: Perception diminishes over time, but findings point to potentially early origins of nationalist sentiments 02/20/2019 Health News, Young children see national identity, in part, as biological in nature, a perception that diminishes...
Brain connections that disadvantage night owls revealed 02/16/2019 Health News, 'Night owls' -- those who go to bed and get up later -- have fundamental...
Shameful secrets bother us more than guilty secrets: People who feel shame more likely to constantly think about their secrets, study says 02/11/2019 Health News, Everyone has secrets, but what causes someone to think about them over and over again?...
Working it out: Researchers find exercise may help fight depression in seniors 02/08/2019 Health News, The benefits of exercise are widely known but kinesiologists at McMaster University have for the...
First study to find digital ads work — on millennials 01/31/2019 Health News, While millions of dollars are spent every day on digital advertising, no research has found...
Air pollution in Mexico City is associated with the development of Alzheimer disease: The evolving axonal damage can be identified using a novel Non-P-Tau assay for cerebrospinal fluid CSF 12/28/2018 Health News, A new study by researchers at the Universities of Montana, Valle de México, Boise State,...
Disruption of circadian rhythm as risk factor for diseases: A clash between modern lifestyles and our biological clock can lead to the development of obesity and breast cancer 12/12/2018 Health News, USC scientists report that a novel time-keeping mechanism within liver cells that helps sustain key...