How You Can Watch Hafthor Björnsson's World Record Deadlift Event 05/02/2020 Fitness, The Mountain is taking a shot at history. Icelandic strongman Hafthor Björnsson is primed to...
Alcoholics anonymous method can mesh well with other treatments for alcohol misuse 04/28/2020 Health News, Most treatment providers for individuals with alcohol use disorders are well versed in either the...
Coronavirus FAQs: Should I wear a mask? Can I get COVID-19 twice? 04/07/2020 Health News, The global number of confirmed COVID-19 cases surpassed one million in early April, nearly doubling...
Good for the gut: 8 probiotic foods that strengthen your immune system 04/03/2020 Fitness, Cough, runny nose, fever – every little cold wave is to your boss?Then, your defenses...
Can cats really get or pass on COVID-19, as a report from Belgium suggests? 04/01/2020 Health News, After reports of two dogs testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Hong Kong, the most recent...
Here's How You Can Help With the PPE Shortage While Staying Home 03/24/2020 Fitness, Coronavirus is expected to overwhelm our hospitals soon here in the U.S., and the shortage...
3 Supersets that can Smash Your Entire Body 03/23/2020 Fitness, Back. Biceps. Chest. Triceps. Shoulders. Abs. And those are just a few of the major...
Experts Aren't Sure About Whether Or Not Novel Coronavirus Can Linger In The Air For A While 03/18/2020 Health News, Despite nationwide instructions to practice social distancing, many people still wonder whether it's possible to...
The hunt for a coronavirus cure is showing how science can change for the better 02/25/2020 Health News, The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared an international public health emergency over the global...
Yes, You Can Have A Sunscreen Allergy—Here’s What To Do If Sunblock Irritates Your Skin 02/17/2020 Health News, Whether you’re planning a mid-winter tropical getaway or basking in the glorious days of summer,...