This Guy Lost Weight and Gained Definition by Hitting 25,000 Steps a Day 01/19/2020 Fitness, Low-impact cardio can be a simple but highly effective tool for losing weight and building...
Deaths caused by extramedical use of opioids preventable 01/07/2020 Medications, A review of more than 100 studies from around the world has shown that people...
Conquer your social anxiety by learning the art of small talk 01/04/2020 Health News, Conquer your social anxiety by learning the art of small talk: How fake confidence and...
This Fitbit Exec Stays in Shape by Cycling Through Obstacles 01/03/2020 Fitness, There's not really another word for it. Jonah Becker is playing on his bike this...
Children with mental health problems 'being turned away by NHS' 01/03/2020 Health News, Children with mental health problems 'are having to attempt SUICIDE' to get treatment because NHS...
Tired and irritable by mid-afternoon? There’s a nap for that 01/02/2020 Health News, If you're usually office-bound, now is the perfect time to take advantage of the pleasures...
Exercise can cut the risk of prostate cancer by up to 51% 12/05/2019 Health News, Exercising can cut men's risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 51% (and scientists...
Psoriasis sufferer claims she cured her flaky skin by ditching dairy 11/26/2019 Health News, Air hostess, 25, whose psoriasis was so bad people thought she was a BURNS victim...
ANTHRAX may be the key to shrinking bladder tumors by 30% in 3 minutes 11/13/2019 Health News, ANTHRAX may be the key to shrinking tough-to-treat bladder tumors by up to 30% with...
This Is the Light Therapy Lamp Amazon Shoppers Swear By to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder 11/12/2019 Health News, As summer wanes and fall’s crisper winds usher us toward winter each year, seasonal affective...