From spinal cord injury to recovery: An essential role for neuronal feedback from below the site of injury 04/08/2019 Health News, Spinal cord injury disconnects communication between the brain and the spinal cord, disrupting control over...
Like old photographs, memories fade over time: People remember visual scenes, but the vibrancy of recall dims in just a few minutes 04/06/2019 Health News, Like old photographs, memories fade in quality over time -- a surprising finding for a...
Psychology may help explain why male and female serial killers differ 03/22/2019 Health News, Male and female serial killers tend to choose their victims and commit their crimes in...
Shameful secrets bother us more than guilty secrets: People who feel shame more likely to constantly think about their secrets, study says 02/11/2019 Health News, Everyone has secrets, but what causes someone to think about them over and over again?...
First study to find digital ads work — on millennials 01/31/2019 Health News, While millions of dollars are spent every day on digital advertising, no research has found...
Collective nostalgia makes people prefer domestic products 01/30/2019 Health News, Nostalgia for events experienced by members of your own group can make you prefer domestic...
Gene therapy promotes nerve regeneration 01/19/2019 Health News, Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)...
Our social judgments reveal a tension between morals and statistics 01/03/2019 Health News, People make statistically-informed judgments about who is more likely to hold particular professions even though...
Memory and cognition problems affect recovery in rehabilitation facilities 12/21/2018 Health News, After a hospital stay, many older adults will be discharged to a skilled nursing facility...
An end to arachnophobia ‘just a heartbeat away’ 10/31/2018 Health News, Researchers have discovered that exposing people with phobias to their fear -- for examples, spiders...