Global study finds youngest in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD 10/15/2018 Health News, A new global study involving the University of Adelaide has found that children who are...
AHA: A Child’s Eyes May Be a Window Into Later Heart Disease Risk 10/12/2018 Health News, FRIDAY, Oct. 12, 2018 (American Heart Association) -- Having optimal cardiovascular health as a child...
Eradicating Helicobacter pylori infections may be a key treatment for Parkinson’s disease 09/24/2018 Health News, While human genetic mutations are involved in a small number of Parkinson's disease (PD) cases,...
Your ‘heart age’ may be a risk factor for early death 09/22/2018 Health News, 'No evidence' cholesterol causes heart disease? A team of 17 doctors claim research shows high...
Easing Sleep Apnea May Be Key to Stroke Recovery 09/20/2018 Health News, THURSDAY, Sept. 20, 2018 -- Sleep apnea is a known risk factor for stroke, and...
‘Legal highs’ may be more dangerous than traditional drugs of abuse 09/19/2018 Medications, Novel psychoactive substances (NPS), or "legal highs," have had various definitions but can simply be...
Household cleaning products may be making children fat, study suggests 09/17/2018 Health News, The study found that those who lived in households where disinfectants were used weekly had...
Chronic Pain May Be Contributor to Suicide 09/11/2018 Health News, MONDAY, Sept. 10, 2018 -- Chronic pain may be an important contributor to suicide, with...
Be Prepared to Protect Your Pets During a Disaster! 09/06/2018 Pet Care, Did you know that nearly 60% of American adults have not practiced what they would...
Your Kid’s New Reading Buddy Could Be a Robot 08/22/2018 Health News, WEDNESDAY, Aug. 22, 2018 -- An interactive robot named Minnie could help make your child...