Espresso yourself: Coffee thoughts leave a latte on the mind 04/18/2019 Health News, But what if coffee aficionados could get the same effects from their morning latte by...
New study examines the way estrogen affects methamphetamine addiction: Research identifies one possible explanation for why male and female rats react differently to methamphetamine 02/10/2019 Health News, Male rats have held steady as the focus of most addiction studies in the past....
New role for brain’s support cells in controlling circadian rhythms 01/11/2019 Health News, Astrocytes, 'caretaker' cells that surround and support neurons in the brain, play a much more...
Primate study offers clues to evolution of speech: Research finds link between vocal repertoire and relative size of key regions of the brain 08/10/2018 Health News, New research examining the brains and vocal repertoires of primates offers important insight into the...