Quarter of Californian adults live in a household with a gun, poll indicates 12/06/2019 Health News, One in four adults in California lives in a household with a gun, including around...
Can being neighborly reduce depression in older adults? 10/09/2019 Health News, In a Health & Social Care in the Community study of 10,105 older adults in...
Microbiome may be involved in mechanisms related to muscle strength in older adults 09/18/2019 Health News, A novel new study suggests that the gut microbiome has a role in mechanisms related...
Tanning industry uses promos, cheap prices to lure adolescents and young adults 06/17/2019 Health News, Everyone knows cigarette smoking causes cancer and as a result, prices and advertising are closely...
Number of UK adults on low incomes who face hunger has likely almost doubled since 2004 05/01/2019 Health News, The proportion of UK adults on low incomes who face hunger because they can't afford...
9 Types of Medications That Can Make Falls More Likely in Older Adults – GoodRx 02/21/2019 Health News, One important way to minimize the risk of falls is to take a look at...
Morning exercise improves brain health in older, overweight adults 02/15/2019 Health News, An international research team led by The University of Western Australia and The Baker Institute...
Aerobic exercise improves cognition, even in young adults 01/30/2019 Health News, Aerobic exercise training improves cognition, even for young and middle-aged adults, according to a new...
Getting older adults to exercise 11/29/2018 Health News, Generation 100, a comprehensive study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) on...
What Exactly Is Whooping Cough–and Can Adults Get It? 11/29/2018 Health News, Whooping cough used to be primarily a childhood disease–and one that was becoming less and...