Lovan 01/31/2021 Medications, NOTICE: This Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is intended for persons living in Australia. LOVAN*contains the...
Mycamine 01/31/2021 Medications, NOTICE: This Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is intended for persons living in Australia. MYCAMINE®Micafungin (as...
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Adolescents and gynecologic health 10/26/2020 Health News, My daughter is 14 and her pediatrician recently reminded us that she should get the...
Research illustrates atypical sensory experiences in early-onset schizophrenia adolescents 10/14/2020 Health News, Schizophrenia is associated with a wide range of cognitive impairments including sensory information processing. Findings...
Tanning industry uses promos, cheap prices to lure adolescents and young adults 06/17/2019 Health News, Everyone knows cigarette smoking causes cancer and as a result, prices and advertising are closely...
Study examines opioid use among Massachusetts adolescents, trends in opioid prescriptions 11/13/2018 Medications, Opioid-related overdoses and deaths remain a major public health concern in Massachusetts, yet adolescents who...
Tobacco ‘power wall’ linked to adolescents’ views about e-cigarettes 08/06/2018 Health News, Adolescents who view advertising for tobacco products on the tobacco "power wall" in convenience stores...