The human ear detects a half-millisecond delay in sound 06/10/2021 Health News, Hearing is one of the most sensitive of our senses, and even small issues in...
Sterling’s Story: A Horse with a Plan 06/09/2021 Pet Care, Meghan was interning at a Kentucky-based Thoroughbred rehoming program, called The Secretariat Center, when she...
How does the location of a hospital room affect quality of care? 06/09/2021 Health News, Years ago, Lesley Meng, now an assistant professor of operations at Yale SOM, was talking...
Bahrain's Story: A Senior Tail 06/07/2021 Pet Care, For animal shelters like the ASPCA Adoption Center in Manhattan, adoptions and other animal welfare...
Drake Shared a Sweaty Shirtless Thirst Trap From His Latest Boxing Workout 06/01/2021 Fitness, Drake is no stranger to the art of the workout selfie, a.k.a. the thirst trap:...
Simone Biles Can Pull Off a Move That No Other Gymnast Can. So Why Is She Penalized For It? 05/26/2021 Fitness, Once, there was a basketball player named Lew Alcindor. You might've heard of the guy:...
Build a Better Butt in 22 Days With This Glute Workout Program 05/25/2021 Fitness, Simply put, Athlean-X founder Jeff Cavaliere C.S.C.S., does not want you to have a flat...
Bedtime with a pet won’t harm your kid’s sleep—and might help 05/25/2021 Health News, Does your teen have the family cat or dog as a nighttime sleep mate? Is...
A YouTuber Trained Like the Anime Character Rock Lee for 60 Days 05/22/2021 Fitness, Last year, comedian and content creator Jimmy Zhang took on the One Punch Man workout...
Blocking a protein in liver cells protects against insulin resistance, fatty liver disease 05/20/2021 Health News, A new multi-institution study led by a team of researchers at the David Geffen School...