New 3-D maps reveal inner workings of immune cell gene expression 12/21/2020 Health News, The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how our small genetic differences can have a tremendous effect...
3-D printers may be toxic for humans 12/15/2020 Health News, Risk researchers are asking new questions about the health and safety implications and how to...
3-D bioprinted heart provides new tool for surgeons 11/18/2020 Health News, Professor of Biomedical Engineering Adam Feinberg and his team have created the first full-size 3-D...
Mix and match: New 3-D cell culture model replicates fibrotic elements of pancreatic cancer 07/22/2020 Health News, Pancreatic cancer is a life-threatening disease with very poor survival rates in patients, and—despite various...
3-D shape of human genome essential for robust inflammatory response 06/08/2020 Health News, The three-dimensional structure of the human genome is essential for providing a rapid and robust...
3-D model lends hope for cloacal malformation 12/05/2019 Health News, In so-called cloacal malformation (anal atresia), children are born without a rectal orifice or anus,...
3-D facial photography offers quick way to predict sleep apnea 08/15/2019 Health News, Three-dimensional facial photography can provide a simple and highly accurate method of predicting the presence...
3-D Printing Creates Exciting Developments in Medical Technology 08/06/2018 Health News, Applications for 3-D printing technology are quickly expanding in surprising new directions. Some of the most fascinating...
Patients opt for 3-D simulation for breast augmentation—but it doesn’t improve outcomes 08/01/2018 Health News, Three-dimensional image simulation is popular among women planning breast augmentation surgery. But while this evolving...