To My Future Adopter: Love, Volleyball
Dear Future Adopter,
My name is Volleyball and it’s nice to FINALLY meet you! Seeing as we’re going to be spending loads of time together, there’s a few things I want you to know about me.
For starters, I came from a pretty sad situation where I never got the chance to learn how to be a “real” dog. So I’m really excited to join your family and be around people who are willing to love me unconditionally and help me learn what it’s like to have a home to call my own!
I’m a pretty goofy girl, but don’t let that fool you! I’m also very smart, and once I get to know you, I’m sweet as pie.
Since we’re going to be besties, here’s the number one thing you should know about me. I LOVE neck scratches! I also do the fastest zoomies you’ve ever seen and really enjoy playing with my toys. When we’re not playing around, there’s nothing I love more than going for sniffy walks and feeling the wind against my adorable face!
I’m really happy that you believe in me and are willing to give me the training I need to become my best self—I’m a good girl, I just need some help to get there! Also, I can take a little while to warm up, but can you blame me? I used to have it pretty ruff, and it takes time to trust.
In learning all these new things, I’ve found that I don’t love cats, I like to meet other dogs one-on-one, and I prefer teenagers to rowdy kids! I’d also really love a home in the suburbs as the city can be a bit overwhelming for me. But the nice people at the ASPCA can tell you everything you need to know about me!
I’m SO excited to finally meet you, so check out my profile to make it official!
See you soon!
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