Ingrown pubic hair: Treatment and prevention

The bump may be hard or soft and pus-filled. It can also become itchy, inflamed, or infected.

Although some ingrown hairs can cause discomfort, they are usually harmless. In this article, learn how to get rid of an ingrown hair near the vagina, as well as some tips for prevention.


Most ingrown hairs will resolve without treatment. However, if a bump becomes too itchy or painful, there are a variety of home remedies that people can use to help them heal.

Some home remedies to treat an ingrown hair near the vagina include:

  • Applying a hot compress. Using heat can help the hair rise to the surface. A person can then pluck out the hair with clean, sterilized tweezers. Trying to pull out the hair before it has reached the surface could cause scarring.
  • Stopping hair removal until the ingrown hair has disappeared. Some hair removal methods, such as shaving and plucking, can cause further irritation and increase the likelihood of infection.
  • Washing the affected area with soap and warm water. Rubbing the ingrown hair in a circular motion for 10 to 15 seconds with light pressure can soften skin and encourage the hair to pop out.
  • Using an ointment once or twice a day. This can help minimize the risk of infection.

Creams that can help soothe the area and prevent infection include:

  • hydrocortisone
  • anti-itch cream
  • witch hazel
  • pure aloe vera
  • benzoyl peroxide
  • diluted tea tree oil

Ingrown hairs are a common problem.

People who shave, wax, or use another method to remove pubic hair may be more prone to ingrown hairs.

Ingrown pubic hairs can also be due to wearing tight clothing that rubs and irritates the skin.

People with curlier or coarser pubic hair are also more likely to experience ingrown hairs.

When to see a doctor

If the bumps look infected, a person should make an appointment with a doctor to get appropriate medical treatment.

Signs of infection include:

  • red skin
  • swelling
  • bumps that are full of pus or extremely painful
  • bleeding

A doctor will examine the area and may prescribe an antibiotic ointment or wash. For severe infections, they may recommend antibiotics.

If a person has symptoms of an ingrown hair but is unsure whether a hair is causing them, they should see a doctor. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause bumps that are similar in appearance to ingrown hairs. A doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis.

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