Bedbugs: New strange odour, exoskeleton and spots on mattress are signs to look out for

Swarm of BEDBUGS crawl all over bus seat

Bed bugs are tiny insects, with adults reaching 5mm long. Adept at hiding in dark crevices, they are often not noticed by most people but there are definitely signs they are there. Spotting a new unusual smell wafting from your bedroom and seeing exoskeletons or spots could indicate a bedbug infestation.

Smelling a certain odour emanating from the bedroom could mean you’re at risk.

Pest control website Terminix said on its website: “Like many species of bugs, bed bugs release odours called alarm pheromones.

“When a group of bed bugs gets disturbed, you may be able to smell that odour. Odours may result from bed bug faecal material.

“Other smells could be a coriander smell, or a sweet, musty odour.”

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Many people have described the smell of a bed bug infestation as something similar to spoiled raspberries.

Arrow Extermination added: “You will sometimes hear a person describe the bed beg smell as something similar to the smell of almonds or a somewhat acidic marzipan odour.

“However, not everyone describes a smell when encountering bed bug infestations and it isn’t always the same experience for everyone.”

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Bed bugs have exoskeletons, which mean they shed an outer shell at different stages of their life cycle.

Look for shell-like remains on bedroom furniture, or wherever you may be laying your head at night.

Like all living things in life, bed bugs have the need to release themselves too.

This means tiny black specks can indicate they’ve been defecating all over your belongings.

If you can’t see any actual bugs, you may find evidence of them on your bed sheets and mattress.

Evidence can include tiny brown or black spots, which could be their dried poo.

You may also notice blood spots, which can occur if you squash a bug while sleeping after it has fed.

Bed bugs are not considered a medical or public health hazard.

While bed bugs are commonly associated with poor hygiene habits, the truth is, anyone is susceptible to a bed bug infestation.

Bed bugs are drawn to large cities due to the increased number of human blood meals in close proximity to one another.

While scientists have shown that bed bugs are capable of carrying human pathogens, there is little evidence that they have the ability to pass those pathogens on through bites.

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