10 Core Moves You Can Do With 1 Dumbbell

If you want to hone your six pack, you don’t need a whole gym full of equipment. You can use a bunch of gear if you really want to — but you can carve your core pretty well with just one dumbbell.

Bodyweight-only moves can be lacking, too. Tons of guys think they’re working their entire core with exercises like hanging leg raises and mountain climbers — but they’re primarily recruiting the muscles in the midline of the abdominals, the rectus abdominis, with that type of work. They’re missing out on important gains for the external and internal obliques, which are important for lateral bending, trunk rotation, and explosive force production.

These 10 moves strike the perfect balance. They only require a single dumbbell, and they directly target all of the muscles of the abdominal wall and lower back. Do these 10 exercises anywhere to build core strength and ensure you’re working every abs muscle from every angle.

The 1 Dumbbell, Six Pack Abs Moves

Dumbbell Lean and Drag

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: Do five reps (down, across, pike) on the right side then use the dumbbell on the left and switch the directions.

Dumbbell Ab Slam

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: This move is for increasing explosiveness in the rectus abdominis. Don’t slam your back on the way down; come up faster than you go down. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell X-Up

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: This move targets the obliques. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps each side. Beginners can use no weight and just tap the outside of their knee with their hand.

Dumbbell Burpee

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: To increase difficulty, use a 20-pound dumbbell. Drag the weight up your body and press it overhead.

Dumbbell Oblique Twist

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: This move recruits the rectus abdominis on the way up, then the obliques when you rotate. Don’t use too fast of a tempo throughout the move. Perform 8 reps on each side.

Dumbbell Side Plank with Rotation

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: Beginners should do this without weight. Intermediate to advanced trainees should use a 10 to 15-pound dumbbell. Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Dumbbell Superman Pass

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: This move strengthens the lower back and gluteus muscles while simultaneously increasing shoulder mobility. Do 2 sets of 8 passes from each direction.

Dumbbell Overhead Side Bend

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: This move is a more challenging take on the standard side bend since it requires the stabilizer muscles in your trapezius and rotator cuff. The most weight you’ll need is 15 pounds. Do 3 sets of 10 bends on each side.

Dumbbell Kneeling Reach Over

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: Don’t use a dumbbell until you’ve tried this a few times without weights. Keep your free arm straight and locked into the same position (try not to lower or raise it). Do 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Dumbbell Ground and Pound

Mark Barroso

How to Do It:

Trainer Tip: Don’t actually touch the ground with the weight. Rotate your core as you punch and keep your eye gaze downward throughout the set. Repeat for 30 seconds on each side.

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