Things You Don’t Know About Holle Formula

Holle formulas have been on the market for decades. The fact that it still remains one of the most popular brands in Europe and overseas says volumes about customer trust. There is a good reason for this: Holle is well-known for the high quality of its products. However, there still might be interesting facts you don’t know about the brand. Read on to learn more.

1. Holle was founded 88 years ago in Switzerland

The baby food company has been offering milk formulas based on fresh, organic products for nearly 90 years. In fact, it was one of the first infant food producers to offer all-organic formulas. From the day of its founding and until the 1960s Holle operated on the Swiss market only. Later it expanded to the German market and then took over other European markets.

2. Holle uses only natural ingredients

No matter what type of Holle formula you choose, you can be sure that all ingredients are organic and all-natural. Holle formulas don’t include GMO ingredients and are based on 100% ethically raised milk. Holle products meet the highest standards of quality. This helps the company remain one of the leaders in the highly regulated European market.

3. Holle produces baby foods based on goat milk

The overwhelming majority of baby foods are based on cow milk. But sometimes, babies have a hard time digesting cow milk proteins. Some of them have adverse reactions to lactose. This is when goat milk-based foods can come in extremely handy. Goat milk’s lactose content is significantly lower than cow’s. At the same time, it’s no less rich and nutritious. This is why many parents with babies who have sensitive digestive systems choose Holle goat milk formula.

4. Holle formulas are delicious and taste like breastmilk

You can talk about high-quality ingredients all day. But if a formula doesn’t taste good, your baby won’t eat it. Holle infant milks mimic mother’s milk not only on the level of components but also in terms of palatability. They have a sweet, tasty creamy texture that babies all over the world can enjoy.

5. Holle offers infant formulas for all development stages during the first year of life and beyond

Babies grow fast and their needs for nutrients change at every stage of their development. Holle understands that and offers formulas for all stages (0-6 months old, 6-12 months old, over 1 year old, and preemies). No matter how old your baby is and what needs it has, Holle’s got it covered.

These are just five fun facts about Holle formulas. But you can rest assured that there is much more to learn. As one of the leaders of baby foods production, Holle has a lot to offer. More importantly, the company cares about its customers. This means that you can always count on top-quality infant milks to keep you and your little one happy.

That being said, always talk to your pediatrician before buying any infant foods.