Jennifer Garner Shares Video Of Skipping Rope Workout

While classic jumping rope and double unders are very similar in appearance, when done correctly, the tempo, timing, required coordination, and benefits are actually quite different,” David Newman, certified L-1 CrossFit trainer and founder of CEO of Rx Smart Gear, the go-to rope brand of many CrossFit Games athletes, previously told Women’s Health.

However, in her caption Garner caveated that the fitness feat had really taken it out of her.

“And then, she napped ???,” she wrote, tagging her Body By Simone trainer @bethjnicely, who combines intense cardio, resistance training, and dance for a full body workout.

So we feel, like, minutely better about our own stamina slash coordination. 

Want to copy? 

“Make sure you keep your head in a neutral position with your eyes forward or down at a 45 degree angle as you jump,” says Newman. This will keep your head in line with your spine and precent you from messing up your balance. 

He also recommends keeping your elbows bent and your core engaged. 

We’re starting practice ASAP.

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