Pump Up Your Arms in Less Than 20 Minutes With This Kettlebell Flow

A flow is a series of exercises that connect together seamlessly. The last position of Exercise A becomes the starting point for Exercise B, such as when you do a clean and then a press. Flowing with kettlebells is a great way to train the whole body in minutes while really challenging your endurance and torching calories.


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Eric Leija (a.k.a. Primal Swoledier), creator of the Men’s Health Kettlehell program, offers the following flow routine to train every muscle you’ve got, and with special attention to your arms. “You’ll do all the classic lifts you need to be functionally strong,” says Leija, “like squats, pushups, and lunges, but with a little bi and tri work added in—because everyone wants to move well and look good too.”

The entire workout should take about 17 minutes.


Perform each exercise in sequence. Do reps of each for 30 seconds, completing an equal number of reps on each side (where necessary), and then rest at the end of the flow for 60 seconds. That’s 1 round. Perform 5 rounds.

1. Squat Curl To Standing Halo

2. Tall Kneeling Curl To Overhead Extension

3. Close-Grip Pushup To Squat Curl

4. Bicep Curl To Press

5. Split Stance Arm Series

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